
The Rio Vista Foundation (RVF) was first created as a 501©3 organization in1970. Funds were collected to help provide a local citizen with a dialysis machine.  Since that first endeavor, the RVF has been instrumental in providing a variety of challenging projects.  One of our major efforts involved re-building our local swimming pool.  With the help of a few large donations and by selling bricks, we were able to fund this project.

Our mission is to improve the quality of our community by using tax-deductible donations.  We have provided smartboards and hydration stations to the Rio Vista Schools. Special donations made to us have allowed RVF to give Sharks Swim Team members scholarships.  Through the years, RVF has ear-marked funds to ensure that the Sharks can continue serving the youngsters.  We also hold and manage the funds for four local organizations that support youth programs throughout the community.

These projects could not come to fruition without the help and support of you, the citizens of Rio Vista.  With your generous donations, we can continue to improve the quality of life for our youth and our community.  Please consider sending a tax-deductible donation to the Rio Vista Foundation.  Our address is P.O. Box 880, Rio Vista, CA 94571.

Thank you for your support.

Mark Stokes
Rio Vista Foundation Chairperson

Project Fund Donation

View our Completed Projects 

You may donate using the first yellow “Donate” button below, or you may send a donation to Rio Vista Foundation, P. O. Box 880, Rio Vista, CA  94571.

Please enter your donation amount: (Example – 100)

In Memory of – Enter Name:

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Operating Fund Donaton

While RVF has no offices or employees, and the Board of Directors serves without compensation, there are expenses such as accounting/bookkeeping, insurance, web site maintenance, and tax report filing fees.  Project and endowment fund monies cannot be used for those expenses, which are usually less than $2000 per year ($2,165.07 in 2015), so donations to this fund are also needed.


Endowment Fund Donation

This Fund is a Perpetual Fund in which the donated principal is never used.   Only the proceeds from investments are used to support local Rio Vista needs  and charitable activities.  The funds donated will provide for the needs of Rio Vista residents in perpetuity because the principal is never depleted.